If we want to grow and mature into the person God wants us to be, we need to ask ourselves some questions! 

Who are you doing life with?

Where are you connected?

Going to church is so much more than just plopping our buns down on a pew each week! God wants us to be planted in a community of people. This is for our growth and encouragement, as well as others! God wants to have a say in where you connect. In fact, 1 Corinthians 12:18 tells us that, “…God has arranged the parts in the body, every one of them, just as he wanted them to be.” Paul is teaching us here about the Body of Christ, the Church, and how we fit and flow together in that design. 

Who really knows you?

What God-ordained relationships do you need to nurture?

If you and I are going to continue growing and maturing, we must allow people to really get to know us. The real us. The I-didn’t-comb-my-hair-or-brush-my-teeth-til-noon us. The hurting wounded, afraid, unsure us. A real relationship takes time. Sadly, many people don’t allow relationships to grow to a point of that kind of intimacy and trust. As soon as it gets uncomfortable, when the relationship is challenged, when hard questions are asked, or advice we’re not ready for is given, we turn-tail and head to the next church, the next town, the next relationship. As a part of this crazy thing called the church, if we stick with it, we will be challenged, sharpened, hurt, and confronted. God’s Word will do this, and the people around us will (often unintentionally) do this. Don’t run! Don’t quit! Let God smooth out your rough edges, cut out your fears, heal your wounds and restore confidence in you through the Body of Christ!

What leadership do you need to submit to?

Who has access to speak into your life?

Oh, yes, if we are to grow, there must be people in our lives that we can receive council from. I have found that, as one preacher says, “God gives us what we need in a package we don’t want.” We must overcome being offended at the package, and learn to receive the gift that is on that person. This has not always been easy for me, nor, I suspect for you. But, I promise, if you can stick with it – you will receive so much wisdom and revelation from the leadership God wants to place over you! In doing this, we are saying, “God, I trust you.” When we can submit to the leaders God has put in our lives, we are really submitting to God. Until you can do that, you will not be able to step into the authority and leadership that God wants to place you in! 

Will you be planted?

I have found that just allowing God to plant me, and staying when it was uncomfortable has produced more maturity and growth in me than I even knew I needed. I have seen people cut-out of marriages, churches, and friendships because it got uncomfortable. It frustrates me beyond words to watch them as they continue struggling in areas that I have found freedom and victory in, when they could be right here with me, or much father down the road!!

Ask yourself the hard questions, answer honestly, and stick it out with the people God has placed in your life!

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I love reading, studying, teaching and preaching the Word of God! My hearts desire is to see people set free, equipped for their calling, and strengthened through the transforming power of God’s Word.

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