The enemy would love to make you believe that every step you’ve taken in faith was a mistake – a big, fat mistake. It must have been, he whispers, or you would be seeing results by now. You are so far off track, God can’t even use you now. Or maybe it sounds like, You must be doing something wrong, or you would have your promise already.
Stepping ‘out’ in faith sometimes just means standing your ground:
- When everyone else abandoned the post, you remained faithful.
- When you could have cheated to get ahead, but instead chose to preserve your integrity.
- When these lies are being whispered to you in the middle of the night.
And when you do take a risk, trusting God’s voice and calling, moving in obedience to what He is showing you to do, know that you are right where you need to be. I don’t mean coming up with really good ideas and forcing them to happen while asking God to bless them. I mean actually taking the time to hear from God, and do what He is telling you to do, say what He is telling you to say, and go where He is telling you to go. I mean the spot in your heart where you know that you know that you know that God has spoken a promise to you.
It pleases God when we believe His Word, and listen to and obey His voice. We believe, so we do. God said it, so I know it will be just like he said. And we go for it.
The truth of hearing God’s voice and stepping out in faith and obedience is that you are right where you need to be. What is not guaranteed is that you will feel like you are in the right place. You might not feel any special super-natural ‘pricklies’ at all. It might just feel ordinary. At other times you might feel the sheer terror of stepping out into the unknown. It is not promised that you would get to know all of the details of choosing to pursue God. Nor is there assurance that you won’t make some mistakes along the way. You only get to know that He is good and that He will give you wisdom, council, and resources for the next step.
Those who have risked everything to follow Christ, though others laugh at what seems a poor investment, will be first. Those who have tasted the Love of Christ understand what they are investing in when they choose love, life, and honor. They understand there is a treasure beyond understanding laid up for them in Christ Jesus. True wealth, true treasure is only found in him. But at the time, we risk looking silly in this life as we step out of the boat.
Recently Jesus told me, “You know, I really liked Peter. Everyone is so hard on him, but I really liked him.” Jesus loved Peter. Well, of course you did, I thought. Jesus loves passion that says, “tell me to come out on the water.” Jesus is pleased with the faith to go where Jesus is, into seemingly impossible situations, to walk on water.
Jesus is not upset or worried about our failures. He lifts us back up and says, keep your eyes, your faith, on me. Don’t let your faith be in small things. Put it in Jesus.
He who promised is faithful.
Today I encourage you to “go all in” and do what God has been showing you to do. Be bold and courageous to believe for and pursue all that He has promised.